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Ehrgott's birthday party. Henry and Mat came weaving in through the lobby (I was in pretty good condition after the taxi ride and quitting sooner than they did at the Lafayette) and wove into the party creating quite a sensation - Charlie, George Cowell, Charlie Helsper, et al were there but thank heaven Andrew never arrived. Henry and Mat sat down together to continue drinking and spent the evening arguing over Lima in the diesel business etc, etc., Henry frequently getting off his favorite expression when in his cups - "I jus' want yuh to know one thing - the Genelectric Company don't give a gawd damn --!" Henry lost his cigarette holder (later found in his overcoat pocket by Ed) and broke his glasses, losing the lens (later found in his pocket). Mat tripped over nothing at one point and landed on the floor from which he had to be lifted into a chair. Mat insisted on signing the check (for $88) and about 10:45 PM we escorted Henry and Mat out. I kept Henry with me in my other bed and did he snore! Found out tonight Paul Ehrgott is a Phi Delt.
The Navy announced a smashing victory over the Japs in the Solomons which everyone feels good about since it may mean the balance of sea power in the Pacific now shifts to us. Admiral Halsey is a national hero.

Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, Nov. 18, '42.

All of us got a shock this morning to learn that Betty McGeehan, the saucy, dark eyed, well built little stenographer and former receptionist at R.R. Retirement, died early today of pneumonia following