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Charlie Whitehead is resigning from dollar-a-year to go on Stevenson's Industry Advisory Committee so he can devote his maximum energies to the tank program.
Met John Dickson today, Mat's boss and President of Lima, and was much impressed by his sincerity, lack of affectation and friendliness. Also met Duncan Fraser, president of Alco, and was impressed by his weak handshake and indifference - however, they say he is a fine character.
We had a rummy game, Ed, Vic, Mat and I, at the hotel this evening and I simply couldn't lose - won $1.49 at a penny a point which is fairly remarkable and particularly for me.

[[double underline, red ink]]New Chap[[/double underline, red ink]]

Washington, D.C.
Friday, Nov. 20, 1942.

With further reference to G.E.'s 5-25 tonners available in January, Comdr. Grace notified me this morning the Navy will take three and two of them are for Mesta Machine who have them on order at Porter! Once more trouble looms - all of which goes to show that no company can have its men working for the government on WOC or Dollar a Year without the probability of them getting boxed into situations that are compromising. The elders of the Company know whereof they speak.
Had luncheon with Earl Bill at Allies Inn, and he had a date with West of Inn & Steel regarding locomotives for new facilities for this afternoon, Pat Murphy having picked up the scent somewhere. I doubt if West has very much to offer in the way of requirements.
Charlie asked Mat and me to accompany him to Stevenson's Office late this afternoon to go