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over a new Porter schedule. Vic, Charlie, Mat and I went in and sat down. Andrew was reading something and the first thing I heard was from him - "Well, Charlie, it looks like you get a clean bill of health but Forie and Tate didn't come off at all well." Then I was handed copy of a letter which I read in absolute amazement. It was a two page indictment of me personally and by name from Evans to Donald Nelson! I have a copy so I shall not try to set it all down here but he accused me of several things and implied others as follows:

1.) I had told Kipp of the Navy that WPB would not approve production of an 80 ton diesel-electric at Porter because Porter "could take no more orders for 1943." Evans said this was the first difficulty he had encountered "from this source" but gave no date of the conversation I had with Kipp or Kipp's conversation with Evans. I have no recollection of ever telling Kipp such a thing but Charlie Creasser thought he had had such a conversation with Kipp and said that frequently Kipp calls him "Craton".

2.) Evans outlined an "odd situation" with respect to two locomotives for Pittsburgh Steel. He said that I had told Pittsburgh Steel to cancel their order with Porter and "place it with one of the other companies to be built with General Electric's electrical equipment." This was done, according to Evans, in spite of the fact that his delivery promise of one in April and one in June, based upon using [[circled]]W[[/circled]] equipment, was satisfactory to the Pittsburgh Steel Co. and still is. He then goes on to say that later Mr. Tate told Porter they