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replied rather saucily, "Because he is who he is." If there are orders from Stettinius himself, or if he is aware of such orders, then my estimation of him sinks definitely. Previously, from the few times I have seen him, I have been very favorably impressed but this one seems inexcusable down here. When we got out of the elevator, Vic said to Ed, "Did you know you were reprimanded by that girl?" Ed got on his square face with a faint twinkle in his eye and answered, "I felt like pushing her head right into the wall and saying, 'Take that, you bastard!'"

2.) Andy Campbell invited some of us to luncheon at the Carlton and Bill Harmon was there. It was the first time I have heard him really talk and I was immensely impressed by his broad, unprejudiced way of looking at things, his candor and honesty, his wide interests. It was an inspiration to listen to him talk about the war and the Germans and his experiences in Germany in 1936 when he was over there as one of the guardians and sponsors of the American Olympic Team; there was no rancor or harsh criticism in him - he talked like a man looking a something with a broad depth of human understanding. And everything he discussed he seemed to look at and consider from a tolerant standpoint trying to see all sides of it without passion or prejudice. He had met Hitler twice, knows Willkie, is a famous sportsman and part owner of the "Phillies," and a great locomotive man. I thought that his calm, tolerant attitude about life was well worth emulating.