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one act, a blond prima donna came over to our table (on the edge of the floor) and appropriated my high ball which she sang to; then she returned to our table and got me up - insisted I drink it down while she and the chorus sang a lot of Russian stuff I couldn't understand, ending in a high pitched note as I finished. During this performance, Marshall Raymond, Fred Barden and Stud Taylor march in escorting Kathryn! Dick ran our party beautifully serving four drinks in quick succession and then shifting into dinner with a B&B to wind up. Before the evening was over, Marshall and his gang occupied an adjacent table and Marshall did his best to annex Bobby but without great success. I danced with all the ladies including Kitty and decided she couldn't hold a candle to Bobby. It was almost like being a kid again back at a college dance. We left at midnight and drove to the Wardman where I bid adieu to the party who proceeded on their way to Maryland. It was a very, very fine evening all the way around.

Washington, D.C.
Sunday, Dec. 20, '42.

Woke up to see the second snow of the year lying heavy on the ground and roofs. I didn't go out of the hotel all day, writing my Christmas cards, my journal, reading and taking life easy.
At breakfast I sat at the next table to a general, his wife and West Pointer cadet son. The general was really giving the boy a talking to about being more conscientious about his work, and the boy sat at rigid attention. The father talked about "this honorable profession I've followed for the last 20 years" - why I'd be a major general now if