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We dropped by the hotel to see Mother for a few minutes, as she insisted on moving down there while the Colonel was here to make more room for him. She seemed well but tells me she continues to have pains in her chest and left arm if she exerts herself very much - she has agreed at last to see a doctor about it.
Spent the afternoon at home, with Whitey's acquiescence, putting up the tree, etc. Poor Babbie smashed the nail of her middle finger on her right hand between a couple of doorknobs in her room and had to go to Dr. Gage to get her nail drilled this afternoon. The doctor didn't think anything broken but I have my doubts as her finger is crooked at the end. Poor child has had much trouble hurting her hands.
All of us had dinner tonight at the Den and spent X-mas Eve at home quietly. Ben and Tony dropped in during the evening. It is good to be home and I look forward to getting back again in the old familiar groove where there is much to be done now and looking toward the immediate and the distant future.
Heard on the radio this evening that Admiral Darlan, head of French North Africa, who has helped the Allies immensely in their operations, was assassinated today. Darlan has seemed to jump wherever the place looked most opportune since the war started but perhaps he has done it to be in a position finally to help France when the time came. His recognition in North Africa has caused some friction between us and DeGaulle and also England.
My sore gum suddenly cleared up today - I guess the drinking bout yesterday must have so thoroughly cauterized it that it had to heal up.