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the Santa Fe would get both! I told McLeod about it and he said all would be OK if he could get the last one and is second in February, which looks possible.

[[underlined]] Mat Tate [[/underlined]] left for New York tonight to meet Tom MacLachlan and go to Wilkes Barre for an inspection of Vulcan. [[underlined]] So I bade him farewell, [[/underlined]] and with regret. I have learned to think a lot of this unique individual and entertainer de luxe, the like of which I have never before seen.

This afternoon [[underlined]] John Grace invited me to dinner at his [[/underlined]] home tonight as a sort of farewell affair and asked Charlie and Guy Cramer too. He and Frances took me first to a cocktail party by a young lawyer named Stammler, supposed favorite of Homer Cummings, et al. John says he's a wild individual. All I could judge was the fact he had a very affected manner and speech, which I guess goes across in some places. We arrived at the Grace apartment about 7 PM and Charlie and Gerry arrived about 7:30. In the meantime, Frances took me with her on an expedition to their new apartment down the hall to collect some glasses, silver, etc. Over there she showed me a whole set of pictures of Kay, their daughter, from babyhood up. It was a typically Grace dinner, preceded by an Irish whiskey "ball," wine with dinner, coffee and brandy afterward, accompanied by a very pleasant conversational session and good companionship. 11 PM rolled around remarkably fast under these desirable circumstances and [[underlined]] John drove us all [[/underlined]] home through the rainy Washington winter night. These are good friends I have made down here; [[underlined]] I hope I can keep these Washington associations [[/underlined]] alive as the years roll away; I shouldn't let them die when I leave. [[)]]

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