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Published by
Women's Division, New York Council
American Peace Mobilization
381 Fourth Avenue, New York, N.Y.

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What War Means To Women

KEEPING America at peace is a fulltime job for every man, woman and child who believes that that American people have nothing to gain and everything to lose if our country becomes further embroiled in the terrible war raging in Europe. 

Especially is peace a job for women, for as they proved in their fight for the vote, they are the ones who make the best fighters for a cause in which they whole-heartedly believe.

If women believe in the necessity of keeping their country out of war and their men at home, they can do it. If they organize and lead the peace forces of this country, they are capable of defeating all the forces today which are leading us deeper into war.

What getting into this war would mean is brought home to women quicker and more painfully than to any group of our population.

It is the older women who remember best the horrors of 1917, when their men went away, many of them never to return. It is the women who welcomed those who did return, many of them maimed or crippled, or shellshocked for life.

In wartime, it is the women who have to struggle to keep their families alive on starvation wages while prices of necessities of life skyrocket far out of their reach and huge companies make millions in profits.

It is women who see the spread of sickness and disease reaping a grim toll among the civilian population at home, especially among the countless children who die of diseases that could be curbed and prevented.