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Johnson and Neutrality Acts and talk about sending England, "in ever increasing numbers, ships, planes, tanks, guns."
     The slogan is no longer, "All aid short of war."  It has now become "Even war, if necessary, to save the British Empire."  The conscripts who went to camp, presumably for a year's training, are told that in all probability they will not be going home when their year is up.  The drive is now on to increase the army to three million and to make conscription permanent.

[[bold]] The People Demand a Hearing [[/bold]]

     But as daily events open more and more eyes to the fact that America is already deeply involved in this war under the slogan of "national defense," more and more people are organizing to get America out of the war and keep it out.
     In spite of acts of Congress giving dictatorial war powers to the President, in spite of the brazen refusal of Congress and the nation's newspaper's to hear or heed the growing demand of the majority of the people to stay out of this war, in spite of the growing suppression of civil liberties and labor's rights, the people are organizing for peace and determined to be heard.
     The voice for peace will speak loudest through strong organizations.  It is through their organizations that women can best insure that "no blackout of peace" will be a reality instead of a broken promise.
     The most important organization for all those who are fighting to keep our country at peace is the American Peace Mobilization, where the work of all America's active peace forces is coordinated and given the most forceful and effective outlet in the campaign to keep America out of war.
     The program of APM is one which every peace-loving American can believe in and fight for.  It is a program of simple justice for honest men and women who neither

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want to appease aggressors nor to become aggressors themselves.
     For coordinating the work or women's organizations there is the Women's Division of APM.
     Through this division women can work together for their common goal.  They can obtain useful material for their meetings on subjects of vital interest to all those working for peace.  They can get APM speakers for their meetings, and they can get assistance and suggestions for the setting up and planning of peace programs for women's groups.
     Together with thousands of other women they can work for this program.
     1. To get out and stay out of the European war.
     2. To guarantee a decent standard of living for all.
     3. To protect the rights of conscripted men and their families and to end discrimination against the Negroes, both in the armed forces and in employment.
     4. To stop war profiteering.
     5. Equal pay for equal work and protective laws for women in industry.
     6. To defeat militarism and regimentation.
     7. To restore the bill of rights, stop anti-labor legislation and repeal anti-alien measures.

[[bold]] Now Is The Time To Act [[/bold]]
     The forces pushing America into this war are moving fast.  The people, who don't want any part of this war, will have to organize and act even faster.
     To make the program of APM a reality requires the active participation of every American who wants peace.
     Don't just "hope" for peace.  Join APM and work for peace!
     Our democracy, our living standards, our very lives and freedom are at stake.
     Today is the time to organize for peace.  Tomorrow may be too late.

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