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[[preprinted]] ARTHUR SACHS
TÉL. LITTRÉ 32-95 [[/preprinted]]

                                 October 15, 1945

Mr. Germain Selignmann
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, N.Y.

Dear Germain:

          I am in a receipt of your letter of the 12th inst., in answer to mine of the 7th.

          Should I, perchance, have a letter from H.W.P. in the next weeks or months, I shall certainly answer along the line that you indicate.

          As to the rumors about the Art "Iron Curtain", I enclose on a slip of paper what I was told.

          I quite approve of your attitude regarding my brother, and as I wrote you in a previous letter, I in no way want to annoy him or embarrass him, unless some particular point should come up from now on in which I might want his judgement.

          Looking forward to your further news, and with kindest regards,

                                 Sincerely yours,

[[signature]] Art Sachs [[/signature]]
                                   Arthur Sachs.