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[[underlined]] ^[[N.Y.]] [[/underlined]]

Paris, May 10th., 1926.

My dear Howard,

This letter will introduce to you our relative, a Cousin of my Mother: Mr. Paul TRIER, who is the head of:
[[underlined]] Paul Schlesinger Trier & Co., [[/underlined]]
Marienstrasse 19,
[[underlined]] FRANKFURT A. MAIN. [[/underlined]]
His Father, quite some years ago, founded the well-known banking firm of Berlin:
This firm, through different circumstances has entirely changed hands.

Since the new conditions in Germany and the stability of the resuming business in his country, he thinks he would like to be acquainted with a leading American firm.

On the other hand, I thought it might be of interest to you to be in touch with a firm in that part of Germany

Anyway, if you have ever an opportunity of making his acquaintance, I know that you will greatly enjoy meeting him.