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May 26th, 1936

Dear Mr. Schiff:

Confirming your telephone message of this afternoon regarding the Lavreince gouache, we will send this to Paris to be restored, as per my suggestion in my letter to you of May 20th.

By-the-by, I would ask you to kindly transfer your insurance on this drawing while it is away from your home, because our floating policy only covers our own actual stock, and does not include things that are either consigned to us or given to us for safe-keeping.

We will ship the gouache to Paris in the course of the next few days, and for your insurance agent's information, I think you can count upon it being away at least seven or eight weeks.

As to your other drawings, I shall be only too delighted to come up and go over them with you in the fall, because I cannot too strongly advise you to have this done. Although, as I know, a great number of your drawings have been in your home for a considerable length of time, it may be that what has happened to the Lavreince is just a timely warning that some of the others are about to crack. On the other hand, it is possible that this gouache was placed in such a way, either near a radiator or a window, that made it more susceptible to changes of temperature. I am emphasizing this fact because, as I wrote you in my previous letter, I would like you to fully realize that no matter how well your Lavreince can be restored, it has lost a considerable part of its value in the event of your wishing to sell it at some future time.

This letter will serve as an official acknowledgment of the receipt of the Lavreince gouache and also the Fragonard, on May 19th.

Yours very truly,

(Clyfford Trevor)

P.S. We will have the Fragonard re-mounted and will notify your secretary when this is done. I am telephoning your secretary today to inquire what value you wish placed on the Lavreince when we send it to France.

John Schiff, Esq.
52 William Street
New York, New York
