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November 3rd, 1956

Dear Mr. Baderou:

Do have my thanks for your letter of October 27th. I do appreciate your efforts towards obtaining "les bonnes feuilles" of the Louis Mante auction.

I too have just noticed in the last Gazette that Dubourg was one of the experts and surmise he will be the best posted man about the estimation of the DELACROIX.

In this connection should I decide to give you a bid for this painting, it would seem to me that we should, you and I, have some arrangement as regards the amount of your commission - this on account of my belief that such a painting will sell at a rather high price.-

Should this idea be agreeable to you, I would ask you to propose to me a bareme which would start with 10% up to a figure, 5 % above, and 3% should the figure exceed X Francs.

Would you not consider this a fair suggestion?

Now, about the CARRACCI painting - do bear in bear that I am of course anxious to have it just as soon as possible,-and I am counting upon you to see to it that it leaves at once by air as soon as you will have received it from Italy. Also you will remember that you gave me no pedigree, though if I recall correctly, you mentioned that it had passed through several collections. Thse of course, as usual you will indicate on your invoice.

I have looked up the Stein book on PAJOU, and I am willing to buy the drawing at the price you indicate of Francs 50,000 (fifty thousand Francs) -however [[underline]]this delivered New York.[[/underline]]-In other words it is up to you to take care of the shipping. If the drawing is not framed - I would suggest that you wrap it up carefully between several pieces of cardboard - and mail it registered by air. It is comparatively small and I do not see and reason why it could not be sent out without any other formalities.

In this connection, I am wondering whether you would be good enough to order the Stein book on PAJOU for my account, as contrary to what I thought I do not have a copy of it.

Looking forward to hearing from you and with best greetings,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Henri Baderou,
25 rue du Faubourg St. Honore,
Paris 8-eme, France