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January 8th, 1928.

Professor Alfred Chatain, 
c/o Rev. George [[??]]. Eccles,
Bullard Place,
Flushing, L. I. 

Dear Professor Chatain : 

I was very sorry that I had to leave you when you were here yesterday, but as it happened a client of mine came in whom I had to see, and by the time I was through with her, you had already left. I hope, therefore, you will excuse me for having left you so abruptly. 

As a matter of fact, I particularly wanted to show you a very wonderful three quarter length Van Dyck, which was painted during the artist's Genoese period. It is such an important and fine example that I am particularly anxious for you to see it. Therefore, I hope you will be able to find time to call in here again before you leave for Chicago. 

With kindest regards, believe me to be,

Yours sincerely, 

