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Fiche to:
Mr. Jucker
Mr. Trevor

Dictated by:
Mr. Waegen

April 24th, 1931.

Another important pending matter is Mr. HEARST, whose arrival in New York is still indefinite, due to another picture of Miss Marion Davies.

For your information, I am showing you the correspondence with Mr. Hearst, which you will kindly initial and return to Miss Petersen, so you will be fully posted on what I have done.

Should Mr. Hearst arrive after my departure, would one of you be good enough to communicate with his secretary, Col. Willicombe, tel: DryDock 4-8000, and ask when Mr. Hearst could pay us a visit to show him these different items.

As you know, Mr. Hearst last year was very much interested in our fine Romney portrait of Mrs. Methuen, on which I quoted him $100,000.-. He wanted very much to have Miss Davies see this picture and then wanted to know our lowest price. I would suggest if there is an opportunity to show Mr. Hearst this painting again, to offer it to him around $70,000.-, mentioning that we have purchased this picture in a lot with two other pictures, which meanwhile were sold, so we can make him a more advantageous price.

Kindly keep me posted in Europe as to what transpires in this matter.