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L. Alavoine & Co

Interior Decorations
Artistic Furniture

Cable Address: Vonial, New York

Telephone 5770 Circle

Paris, 9 Rue Caumartin

Fe Hutton Res.

Mr. Germain Seligman,
3 East 5lst  Street,
New York, N.Y.

Dear Sir:

We are returing to you by bearer a tapestry which you have sold to Mr. Hutton for his "grand salon",

Kindly attend to the repairing as soon as possible and return same to us at your earliest convenience as the above room will be ready in a day or two.

Kindly sign the enclosed receipt and remit to bearer and oblige

Yours very truly

L. Alavoine & Co.,

Per: J Seibum


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All communications must be addressed to the firm. [[/left margin]]