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May 1st 1924

Daniel Guggenheim, Esq.,
Sands Point
Port Washington, L.I.

My dear Mr. Guggenheim,-

I am enclosing herewith another document which I just got about the Rembrandt picture; it is a Bulletin which was published twice a month in Berlin before the war, publishing and relating the things which were of interest to collectors. On page 20, you will find the paragraph relating to the picture in the article of Dr. Bode.

I also want to let you know that the original letter from Dr. Bode is now in New York, was well as the original bill showing the price which the picture fetched at the Leveigneur sale; if you would like to see these documents, I can get them and bring them to you.

I would like to insist upon the difference it would make in the appearance of the picture if the frame was toned down, which is the easiest thing to do. Outside of any business considerations I hope that you will like the picture enough to keep it, as to my mind it goes so well with the two marvelous pictures which you already possess.

Thanking you for your very cordial reception, and asking you to kindly remember me to Mrs. Guggenheim, pray believe me,

Yours very sincerely,