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May 3rd 1924

Mrs. Daniel Guggenheim
Sands Point
Port Washington, L.I.

Dear Mrs. Guggenheim,-

I sent you this morning the book in which the picture by Franz Hals is reproduced.  The size of the canvas, without frame, is 32" high and 26" wide; in consequence, the picture is 1 1/2" higher and 1/2" wider than your picture by Rembrandt.  This picture by Franz Hals is reproduced in Dr. Bode's book on Franz Hals, and is described also in Hofsteder de Groot's.  It was exhibited in 1879 in London and in 1906 in Berlin.  As pedigree, Carl von Hollitscher is a very good one; he was a collector who had a very fine and a very well known collection in Berlin.

When I arrive in Paris, I will go and see the Franz Hals picture, and I will be able to write you about its state of preservation, its coloring and its quality.

When you don't need any more the book which I sent you this morning, will you be so kind as to return same to us.

I am very much looking forward to seeing you and Mr. Guggenheim in Paris, and in the meantime, I send you my best wishes.

Pray believe me,

Yours very sincerely,