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Paris, June 5th 1925.

Edward Drummond LIBBY, Esq.,
Hotel Meurice, 
rue du Mont Thabor, 
[[underlined]] PARIS. [[/underlined]]

Dear Mr. Libby, 

Having heard that you are once again in PARIS, I am writing you these few lines to tell you that I have just arrived here myself, and I would very much like to have the pleasure of seeing Mrs. Libby and yourself again. 

Apart from anything else, I am looking forward to the pleasure of showing you through the Palais Sagan, as we have a number of very important things here, which, I am sure, you would be more than interested to see. 

I am usually out in the mornings, but I am practically always here, in the after-noons.  But, never-the-less, I would esteem it a great favor, if you could kindly telephone before you intend calling as, naturally, I want to be quite sure of being here when you come. 

Trusting that you have been keeping well since