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March 21, 1928

David E. Finley, Esq.,
Treasury Department,
Washington, D. C.

My dear Mr. Finley,

Before leaving for Paris tonight on the "Aquitania", I want to express to you how sorry I am that I have not had the pleasure of seeing you again. I had hoped there would have arisen an opportunity for you to come to New York and for me to reciprocate your kindness. I am afraid we shall have to postpone this until next Fall, as I presume I shall be gone until next September.

Should, by any chance, you or Mr. Mellon come to New York in the near future and should Mr. Mellon or you like to see the Metternich portrait by Sir Thomas LAWRENCE, I have informed Mr. René Seligmann about this matter, so please be kind enough to ask for him whenever you come in.

Hoping these lines find you in the best of health, and wishing you a very pleasant and delightful summer, I remain with my kindest regards,

Yours very sincerely,

(Rolf H. Waegen)

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