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New York, N.Y.
December 19th, 1928.

Mr dear Mr. Finley:

I am sorry not to have written to you sooner, but upon my arrival I had to complete some very urgent matters, and then Mr. Séligmann's departure for Europe took up my entire time.

To begin with, I should like to thank you again for all you very kind endeavors and your friendly assistance in giving me the chance of showing the Metternich portrait to Secretary Mellon.  I hope that some day there will arise an opportunity for me to show you my appreciation.

If Mr. Mellon would consider to take the picture, this would really mean a great deal to me and to my firm, not as regards the business side, but for the sake of being represented with as fine a picture as this Lawrence portrait in one of America's foremost collections.

Mr. Mellon's speech about the development and embellishing of the City of Washington is indeed very interesting, and I enjoyed it thoroughly.