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I am sending you under separate cover a few copies of a pamphlet regarding the Russian Cruise of the Steamer "Capolonio" which we were discussing in Washington. As I don't need these pamphlets, please feel free to give them to your friends, should they be interested to read them.

Otherwise there is very little news. Last night I went to the Charlie Knickerbocker bocker Ball. It was really very amusing, as about everybody who could possibly crawl was there - enough people to have a good time.

Should you by any chance go up to Mr. Mellon's apartment, please give the Metternich a critical eye, and let me know if you think that the picture is hanging all right and looks favorably. 

Permit me to close for today, and to remain with my kindest regards

as ever

Yours sincerely,

David E. Finley Esq.
Treasury Department,
Washington, D.C.