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CT ES    

March 21, 1931

Dear Mr. Phipps, 

I am writing you these few lines to tell you that we have just acquired from the famous Sackville Collection at Knole two outstanding 18th century English portraits; one being what is considered to be the greatest man's portrait by GAINSBOROUGH that has ever come to this country, and the other a masterpiece by Ozias HUMPHREY.

Both these pictures have been hanging at Knole ever since they were painted until we recently acquired them. It occurred to us that you might be interested to see them, and we would, therefore, be delighted to show them to you at any time you could conveniently call in here.

Hoping, therefore, to hear from you in reply to this letter, believe me to be 

Yours very truly, 


(Clyfford Trevor)

J.S. Phipps, Esq.,
1 Sutton Place, South,
New York City.