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March 22, 1934

J.S. Phipps, Esq.
1 Sutton Place, South
New York City

Dear Mr. Phipps:

Referring to your visit to our Galleries some months ago, when I showed you some 18th Century paintings, I am writing you these few lines to tell you that I have just returned from England, and, while I was over there, we acquired three very important 18th Century English portraits.

One being a superb women's portrait by Sir Henry Raeburn. The second, a marvelously painted portrait of the first Earl of Guilford, by Gainsborough. And the third, a very fine and typical portrait of a British Officer in a blue and red uniform by Romney.

Knowing that you are interested in paintings of this period, I thought perhaps you might care to come in and see them. Awaiting therefore, the pleasure of your visit believe me to be, 

Yours very truly,


(Clyfford Trevor)