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December 9, 1954

Dear Mr. Kress:

The superb book on [[underlined]] Signs and Symbols in Christian Art [[/underlined]] has just been delivered to me, and I hasten to thank you for this impressive present. I feel highly flattered to have been chosen as a recipient of this truly fascinating work.

The encouragement you have given the writer, George Ferguson, is just one more proof of the humane feelings you have right along expressed towards your fellow men, and it is so much in keeping with the constant efforts made by you in uplifting the soul of the "little man."

Arriving at the time of Christmas, may I consider it as a Christmas message from you and in turn send my heartiest wishes for Christmas and the New Year. With renewed appreciation and warm personal regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Rush H. Kress
Samuel H. Kress Foundation
221 West 57th Street
New York 19, New York
