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1931 [[image - wildcat]]
[[image - eight portraits of languages professors]]
Maggie B. Daniel
[[image - zeta phi beta]]
A.B. Wiley; A. M. Wisconsin
Associate Professor of English

Melvin B. Tolson
[[image - omega psi phi]]
A.B. Lincoln
Professor of English

Walter W. Cox
[[image - omega psi phi]]
Oberlin Business College; Simmons LL.B.
Instructor of Commerce

Diana M. Pierson
[[image - ? Δ θ]]
A.B., A.M., Southern California; B.R.E.,
Chicago Training School
Professor of English

Gertrude H. Mason
[[image - ?]]
A.B. Wiley; B.S. University of Minnesota

Oliver W. Crump
[[image - ?]]
B.S. Howard; B.Ed. Cincinnati; M.S. Kansas
Professor of Secondary Education

Carlos G. Smith
[[image - ?]]
B.S. Central Tennessee
Professor of German

Augusta M. Emanuel
[[image - ?]]
B.A. Syracuse Union; M.A. Columbia
Associate Professor of Romance Languages