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The Wildcat

Senior Exhortation

The time is come for hearts sincere,
For sober minds and willing hands; 
The time is come in our career
When we must meet the grave commands.

No more to trifle, but to act
With steadfast hearts and rigid will,
With mind as polished and exact
As finished products of the mill.

We see another milestone passed;
We know that we are mites no more; 
The mighty crisis comes at last;
The days of idle play are o'er.

O Class! prepare to face the strife,
And march along Ambition's aisle;
Dismiss the gay and foolish life;
Aspire to things that are worth while.

Let's put our shoulders to the tasks
To do what has been done by few.
The facts we'll divest of their masks,
And see them as the sages do.

Let fools diffuse their waning health;
Let others sail on Pleasure's sea;
Let sluggards dream of sudden wealth - 
We will not see what cannot be.

Let's launch upon seas unexplored,
Nor let us shirk at irksome toil,
But struggle until we have scored,
Knowing to succeed is to moil.

Let's charge obstacles, hard and rife,
Surmounting, then go marching on;
Now treading thru the clay of life
To leave our tracks when we are gone.

We study lives of men with care
Who came to success and renown -
Some day we, too, may triumph there,
And wear Achievement's hard-won crown.

let us perpetuate our name
And that of our race newly freed;
We'll build our pyramids of fame:
"To serve and to succeed" - our creed.