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The Wildcat

Alma Mater

O beauteous spot 'mid the valleys and hills,
We love all thy scenes-all thy buildings and trees,
The charm of thy landscape, thy numberless thrills, 
Thy odorous fragrance that clings to the breeze.

Out of the fog of a world filled with strife,
Unhampered by sham and vain-boasted success,
Thou stand'st with thy reason still guiding thru life,
Thy sons whom thou rescued from its wilderness.

Thou mouldest our characters, noble and firm,
Thou stamp'st in our hearts an indelible sign
Of training superb, and doth lay there the germ
That stirs in us all that is lofty and fine.

Nor failure, nor foible, nor evil's recoil
Can narrow our vision, can obscure the right;
Unswerving in faith and untiring in toil,
We proffer our all for the purple and white.

Thy ideals ennobling which guide us aright
We jealously guard with an infinite care,
Thy motto be "Excellence, Service and Light"
We pray for thy progress, and God answers prayer.

Our dear Alma Mater! creator of worth!
We proffer our life's blood, we give thee our praise
From us will thy ideal's achievement take birth,
The fruit of thy labors shall flourish always.


O Wiley! O Wiley! our heart beats are fast,
O dear Alma Mater whom we all adore,
Our souls are o'erbrim with a love that will last
Exalting thy name until life's day is o'er.