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[[purple stamp]] The Wildcat

[[image - black & white oval photographs of five members of the Alpha Phi Omega Forensic Society]]

[[handwritten captions]] Henry E. Heights (top left), Nolan Anderson (top right}, Mr. Tolson (center), L. Bertram Prater (bottom left), J. Edward Hines {bottom right) [[/captions]]

The Alpha Phi Omega Forensic Society 

The Alpha Phi Omega Debating Society was organized by the present coach Prof. M. B. Tolson in 1923. At first Freshman debates were staged and because of the great success they met with the following year inter-classic debates made their appearance. In this manner the most talented debaters of each class were selected. The next and last step was the intercollegiate debates, which is the most common in existence at the present day. With the might Tolsonian system, the Wiley debaters have in the past brought many a victory home to their alma mater. For four consecutive years they have debated that great southern university, Fisk, and defeated it three times, the last being a non-decision debate. ^[[(]]The Wiley 7th Street Theater of Chicago, Ill., in 1930. ^[[)]] ^[[G. Edward Hines & Heinrietta Bell]]

Not only were they the first to debate a northern university of the Anglo-Saxon race, but they blazed the trail for southern Negro collegiate clashes on the arena of forensics by their debate with Oklahoma City in Oklahoma City in 1931. 

For two years they debated Howard and were successful in proving their side of the proposition by outwitting the northern Howardites. 

Each year the Wiley debaters make a tour during the month of May over the leading cities of Texas, giving those interested in the intellectual side of life the opportunity of gaining the value therein. 

The record of Decision debates is a follows: 

[[column 1]]
Wiley 3 - Bishop 0 
Wiley 3 - Wilberforce 0  
Wiley 3 - Howard 0 
Wiley 1 - Howard 2 
Wiley 2 - Lincoln 1
[[/column 1]]

[[column 2]]
Wiley 2 - Fisk 1
Wiley 3 - Fisk 0
Wiley 2 - Virginia Union 1 ^[[checkmark]]
Wiley 2 - Fisk 1
Wiley 21 Distinguished Opponents 6
[[/column 2]]