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[[image - drawing of a finger pressing light switch]]

The WALL SWITCH in your home is your greatest BARGAIN COUNTER

When you snap on a switcn in your home you spend only fractions of pennies.  Nowhere else to you spend so little and get so much.  No other penny in the household budget buys so much as the penny spent for electricity.

The electric penny buys two hours' breeze from an electric fan . . . two hours' comfort from a heating pad . . one hour of radio entertainment . . . three hours' use of the curling iron . . one hour's use of the vacuum cleaner or the washing maching.

The smallest item in the monthly household expense is the electric bill.  Ten cents a day was the average electric bill of all residential customers last year . . . less for electricity than the average family spends daily for candy, soft drinks or the movies.

Behind the electric outlet in your home lives your perpetual servant . . electricity . . a servant who works for a pittance . . who never asks for a raise or a day off . . . who is never sick or late to work . . whose wages grow less as the hours grow longer.

Let this modern servant do all it can in your home.  Electricity will do the housework more easily, more quickly, and for less money than you can do it by hand.


Southwestern Gas and Electric Co.