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The Aeronautic Society of New York

Pincus Brauner and A. J. Smith constructed together a biplane, which proved the second apparatus built at the Park to succeed in making good flights. In general outline, this also somewhat resembled the Society's machine, but had features that were entirely the inventions of the builders, and many of the small construction details were simpler and superior to anything that had previously been done. Both Mr. Smith and Mr. Brauner made a number of short flights, and the machine was exhibited at Madison Square Gardens. But eventually Mr. Brauner, in taking a second step in the air to reach a greater height, raised his front control too acutely, and fell backwards, smashing the apparatus almost entirely, but himself escaping unhurt. The results, however, were highly encouraging.

Dr. Walden tried out his big tandem apparatus with the Society's motor, and was testing upon it the varying efficiency of a number of propellers. Unfortunately, one night he left the machine out in the open, and a heavy wind storm arising, battered the apparatus into a heap of wreckage before the watchman could take any steps to save it. Meanwhile, however, the doctor has two more machines on the way.

F. H. Lindsay, unable to find on the market a suitable motor for his midget machine, started to build one for himself.

R.E. Ernst constructed an apparatus in which the principle of air compression was to be utilized. The air was drawn into the interior of a sort of cabin by means of fan 

[[image - black & white photograph of Dr. Walden standing next to his tandem biplane, Levick photo]]

[[caption]] Dr. W. H. Walden's Tandem Biplan [[/caption]]

propellers in the cabin walls, and was to escape through the floor. Engine trouble has so far prevented the completion of the demonstration.

Octave Jean built an elaborate arrangement of feathering fans, but the construction work proved too weak.

W. J. Diefenbach has laid out a very fine biplane, 45 ft. in spread and of excellent workmanship, and hopes to have it completed in the early days of the New Year. It promises to be one of the most notable machines turned out at the Society's shops.

Although their surfaces and controls have long been completed, the Brothers Lawrence have been held up by the difficulty of finding an engine of at once sufficient power and necessary lightness. Otherwise they are ready to assemble and try out at any time.

The third machine to get into the air, and the most successful, was the biplane of Dr. Wm. Greene. Dr. Greene, who began building early in the year, was all but ready for the June exhibition, and was paid a high compliment by Glenn H. Curtiss, who adopted his method of fixing the upright struts to the main beams. Dr. Greene's machine was 40 ft. in spread, and the surfaces, which are 6 1/2 ft. from fore to aft and 5 ft. apart, are