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The Aeronautic Society of New York

But he hopes that at any rate he has said enough to show that in its first eighteen months the Aeronautic Society has done more than enough to justify its existence-that, despite the difficulties with which it has had to contend, it has done something to help aviation along in America, and has given some aid to inventors beyond mere talk.

The members here wish to make some note of how much the Society owes to its first and present President, Mr. Lee S. Burridge. He is, they know, the last who would wish anything said on that subject. It is enough to say that he has never turned his back on any difficulty, and has ever been the first to reach out the helping hand-the hand that is not empty. Few men in America to-day have spent more money disinterestedly to advance the Art of aeronautics that has the President of the Aeronautic Society, and certainly none have spent it more willingly. If America had only a dozen men ready to assist the Art in the same degree that Mr. Burridge has done during his tenure of office, the Art of aviation in the United States would have made far greater progress, and these men would have ably supplemented the work of Messrs. Wilbur and Orville Wright, Prof. Samuel P. Langley, Hiram S. Maxim, Octave Chanute, Charles M. Manly, Glenn H. Curtiss, A. M. Herring, Prof. J. J. Montgomery, and many other Americans who have placed this country indisputable at the forefront of the Art of Flying.

The members also wish to express a word of hearty appreciation to their fellow member, Mr. Ernest La Rue Jones, Editor of "Aeronautics," for his conscientious efforts to place before the public the aims and accomplishments of the Aeronautic Society in the columns of his valuable magazine.

The Directors also wish to thank the members for their unanimous and generous support on those occasions when it has been found necessary to ask for assistance. Those occasions have been made as rare as possible, and have always been for some absolutely necessary purpose; but it has been very inspiring to see the readiness with which contributions have been made. The Directors would, in conclusion, say that they think there can have been few societies, such as the Aeronautic Society, which after a few months of existence finds itself with a membership totaling 350, and which is able to hold such largely attended meetings as this Society does. There can be no question but that its past and its present bespeak a brilliant future for the Aeronautic Society, and that its work and its influence will continue to set an encouraging example to all similar bodies. With the opening of the New Year the Society purposes to greatly enlarge its scope and its efforts, and it is resolved that nothing shall be wanting on its part in the way of energy and enthusiasm to keep it in the position it now holds in the lead of all the aeronautical societies in the country by the sheer desert of its actual accomplishments. To this end it asks the assistance of all its present members, and, with the same disinterested view, will welcome into its ranks all who are either doing things or are interested.

NOTE.-For further information regarding the Aeronautic Society, applications for membership, etc., address the secretary, at the Society's headquarters, 1999 Broadway, corner of 68th Street, New York, or address P. O. Box 28, Station D, New York.