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Presented to
on behalf of

the hundreds of thousands of pilots and owners for their important role in the development of the aviation industry; who support business and commerce by providing direct and personal air travel; who supply essential air links between communities of all sizes; who contribute to health and safety through agriculture, rescue, patrol and other public service activities; and who expand the benefits of aviation to people everywhere.  

[[image - print of flag]]
The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association was organized in 1939 to represent the growing community of private airplane owners in much the same manner as automobile associations had represented individual interests. Its unique and pioneering efforts now have a counterpart in the international arena with the International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations. Joseph Beckwith Hartranft, Jr., president of the Association, has been its guiding executive since 1939.

[[image - charcoal drawing of Joseph Beckwith Hartranft, Jr.]] 8

Presented to
on behalf of

the intrepid men and women whose vision, daring and skill have made possible America's leadership on the skies and whose feats of exploration opened up the world to a new era of understanding, friendship and progress.  

[[image - print of flag]]

The Early Birds of Aviation was chartered in 1928, when English-born, U.S. aviation pioneer Percy George Brockhurst Morriss (1884-1944) formed the group with aid from other pioneers. Membership has been restricted to those persons who flew solo in a glider or aeroplane before December 17, 1916, the cutoff representing the time when team training of World War I aviators began. Paul Edward Garber, currently president of the EBs, is former Head Curator and Historian, National Air & Space Museum.  

[[image - charcoal drawing of Paul Edward Garber]] 9

Charcoal Portraits by Ira Altschiller