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Popular Aviation August 25c 159
Ziff-Davis Publishing Company
The Ziff-Davis Publishing Company was founded in 1927, when William B. Ziff, Sr., first published a magazine called Popular Aviation. The journalist, a contemporary of Charles Lindbergh and General "Billy" Mitchell, set out to convince the American public of the importance of air power, both military and commercial, to a growing nation. He admirably succeeded. In the early days of World War 11, the name Popular Aviation was combined with Flying, and the title Flying became the surviving name. For nearly a score of years, the magazine's editor and publisher was Gill Robb Wilson, a dynamic and vital spokesman. Today, Flying is devoted entirely to general aviation, and remains the most widely read aviation publication in the world. The expansion of Ziff-Davis into other aeronautical publishing efforts is commensurate with the complez expansion of the industry. In 1964, it began the Flying Annual & Pilots' Guide, and the following year established Business & Commercial Aviation. In 1966, Airline Management and Marketing, as well as Management Guide to Business Aviation appeared.
Windsong: An Aviation Salute, with editorial direction by Lee David Hamilton, artistic direction by Joseph Anthony Phelan composition by Abend Typograph Company, New York City--text style of Helvetica Roman & Italic, with calligraphic design and execution by Joseph Anthony Phelan photographic services by Waro Custom Photo Laboratory, New York City photostat services by Statmakers, Inc., New York City printing by Seaward-Edison Corporation, Long Island City, N. Y., on Warrens Lustro Enamel, 80-pound stock, was produced for the Explorers Club by Lee David Hamilton.