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[[column 1]]
we'' have cash in the
.....867 90
.....[[underlined]] 1,000 00 [[/underlined]]
....$1,867 90
p of seventy-six.
e report up to January,
P. Macgill.
cgill next spoke for about
discussing the work of
ing the past year as
report of the chaplain,
more particularly of the
s of the society, Mr. Macgill
w the port of Galveston en-
xport trade second to no port
ted States. He dwelt at length
greatness of Galveston as a
said that she would be still
with the completion of the Pan-
nal. He next spoke of the work
one by Rev. J. R. Sarner, and
tribute to this unassuming 
labored among the sea-
who visit Galveston for the 
[[page partially folded over]]
ears, devoting his entire
 to finding their wants
eir needs.
tatistics would show that
year 40,000 seamen had
t of Galveston, more than
ulation of the City of Gal-
are for this number of sea-
who had come into a strange
ps to most of them, the Sea-
d Society had a small hall on 
and Mechanic streets, which
s a reading room, social room,
d for other purposes, and as 
for the man who was devoting
ire time and attention to this
nd also to meet all expenses, 
ad been contributed a paltry sum
00. He said that it appeared to 
e blame for seamen going astray 
ndering into the saloons was to 
on the people of Galveston rath-
on the seamen themselves, for
man, after weeks or perhaps 
on board a freighter, with no
ions other than his comrades in
with nothing to read during the
re moments that were his, and
e other surroundings and envir-
to be found on shipboard, would
e for the first bright light when
as reached? Mr. Macgill made
appeal for a more substantial 
for the society and for the sea-
me which would be maintained.
[[bold]] Captain T. J. Anderson. [[/bold]]
ng Mr. Macgill, Captain T. J.
secretary of the board of di-
f the Seamen's Friend Society,
oduced by Rev. R. M. Hall, and
briefly on the life of a seafar-
and his needs when he is on
ptain Anderson said that he 
ed very keenly what Mr. Mac-
id about a seaman making for
right light he saw after land-
a long voyage of perhaps sev-
hs. A sailor, he said, would 
nt to get away from the ship
he had been for so many days.
d companionship and would al-
where it could be had. If no
ce offered itself he would nat-
ke for the saloon.
Anderson made an earnest ap-
better care of the seafaring
they were in the port of Gal-
e said that what Mr. Macgill
bout the greatness of Galves-
port was all true, but that he 
to add another fact. He said
l the ports of the world that 
ited, Galveston had the small-
est and least accommodating 
eamen that he had ever seen.
e said, was not in the chap-
all the ports of the world no
be found who was more heart
his work and was making 
ces to further that work in
s most interested than Chap-
The fault, he said, was with 
of Galveston who had not 
to this great work.
tain Anderson announced the 
mmittee, given above, and 
this committee would go
is week, perhaps this morn-
would raise at least $2,000,
been estimated as the mini-
nt to care for the Seamen's 
ng the coming year.
Captain Anderson's address
Hall, after a strong exhorta-
for voluntary offerings in 
his work. A liberal response 
[[bold]] The Program. [[/bold]]
ram of the services as con-
as follows:
Rev. C. S. Wright.
eading, Rev. J. R. Thorne.
v. Edward Stubblefield.
"Anchored," Mrs. George

Chaplain, J. R. Sarner; Mr.
ie, treasurer; Mrs. N. L.
tary Ladies' Auxiliary.
te address, Charles P.

address, Captain T. J. An-

Rev. C. Bunse.
emonies, Rev. R. M. Hall,
[[dividing line inserted]]
[[bold]] OHN B. HADEN [[/bold]]
eye, ear, nose and throat.
15, City National Bk. Bdg.
[[dividing line inserted]]
[[bold]] LLARS REWARD. [[/bold]]
ward will be paid for the
onviction of any person
a copy of The Galveston
ered to any subscriber.
[[/column 1]]

[[column 2]]
which was in charge of [[illegible and missing text]] Shirley Forsgard. Postcards showing the little Curtiss type biplane in which Studensky was to make the mail-carrying flight, the special aerial postal station and Aviator Studensky in the act of receiving a bag of mail from the hands of a postal clerk were sold on the ground and many visitors availed themselves of this opportunity of sending some mail matter to their friends and relatives in other parts of the state, in other states or even in other countries, by the first aerial postal service to be established in the South. From the time the gates were opened to the time the mail bag was closed at 3:30 o'clock there was a constant stream of people purchasing postcards and stamps and writing brief messages. The several improvised tables used as writing desks were always crowded with those writing messages. A special stamp bearing the words, "Galveston, Tex., U. S. Aerial Mail, March 17, 1912," was placed on each piece of mail which went into the bag that Studensky carried.

The program as scheduled in advance called for the departure of Studensky with the mail at 3:30 p. m., but on account of several delays he did not make his get-away with the mail sack until after 4 o'clock. At 3:30 the mail bag was closed at the special aerial postal station and taken in charge by Postmaster H. A. Griffin and carried to the machine, which was then standing in front of the grandstand.  Here, with appropriate ceremony, he delivered the bag of mail personally into the hands of Aviator Studensky and gave final instructions as to its delivery. Kodak men and and camera fiends were numerous at the time of this delivery, and it is to be doubted if any man other than "Teddy" has been shot at more times than Aviator Studensky without being hurt. The plucky little aviator says he feels real famous to see so many kodaks and cameras pointed toward him. 

[[bold]] 1,200 Pieces of Mail. [[/bold]]
The mail bag when closed at the special aerial station contained something more than 1,200 pieces of first-class mail matter, principally postcards mailed by those in the grounds. This amount of mail matter, together with the bag in which it was contained, weighed about thirty or thirty-five pounds. It was securely tied on the machine, just back of the aviator's seat, in such a way that it would not interfere with the operation of the controls. The machine was then rolled by the mechanics and helpers to the west end of the aviation field and all was in readiness for the first flight in the South with pieces of United States mail matter.

The first start of Studensky did not prove successful, as he failed to get sufficient momentum to rise from the ground high enough to clear the hangar at the east end of the field. He shut his engine off as soon as he saw he could not clear the hangar and stopped the machine near the east fence. The machine was again rolled to the west end of the field and the second start was made. This time the aviator rose from the ground, and, clearing the hangar about twenty feet, flew away to the east, circling over the city to the north. Turning about over the interurban tracks he made another circle immediately over the field, all the while climbing higher and higher. As he passed over the field the second time he was flying at an altitude of about 1,500 or 2,000 feet. Swinging to the westward again after he had passed over the field, the little biplane was headed northwest and the flight to La Marque was begun.

[[bold]] Delivered at La Marque. [[/bold]]
A party of men from the National Aviation School had gone out on the day before and had selected a spot near La Marque at which a landing could be made and had marked this spot so that it could be found by the aviator. As he flew away toward this spot all eyes watched him eagerly to see that he did not lose the precious United States mail. Many who had heard Postmaster Griffin's parting instructions to the aviator, "Deliver the mail into the hands of the postmaster at La Marque, but in your flight, if anything goes wrong with your machine, throw the mail overboard and save yourself," were watching to see if anything was going wrong with the machine. The wind seemed somewhat treacherous, and they were afraid that with the extra load the plucky little aviator could not make the flight. However, the machine kept going into the northwest, all the while growing smaller and smaller, until it appeared a mere speck in the distance and finally was lost to view altogether.

As the last speck of the machine disappeared from view in the distance many of the spectators left the grounds, but others remained to see his return. After landing the mail he returned to the field, making his landing before 6 o'clock, having been gone shortly more than thirty minutes.

Thus was the first "Southern aerial postal service," and it was pronounced an entire success by all who saw the flight.

[[bold]] Dropping Imaginary Bombs. [[/bold]]

Before the mail-carrying flight Studensky made an exhibition flight over the field, during which he dropped baseballs at a target on the ground. The baseballs were imaginary bombs dropped at an imaginary battleship, and had the target been as large as a battleship it would doubtless have been blown to atoms. Studensky rose from the field, flying straight away toward the east into the teeth of the wind until he had attained an altitude of perhaps 1,000 or 1,200 feet. He then circled to the northward over the city and back to the west of the field. Making a straight flight over the field he passed over the target, which was a piece of canvas spread on the ground, and dropped two baseballs. One ball struck within ten yards of the target and the other within twenty
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[[bold]] Henrietta Crosman. [[/bold]]
Of the attraction for Monday night the New Orleans Times-Democrat says:
"Miss Henrietta Crosman is an accomplished, finished actress. 'The Real Thing,' in which she is appearing this week at the Tulane Theater, is a clever, refreshing comedy. And as Miss Crosman is assisting in the presentation of the piece by players worthy to be cast with her, the ensemble is excellent.

"Not a little of the success of 'The Real Thing' is due to Miss Crosman. Cleverly wrought though it may be, no one could possibly see it as a notable play. 'Effervescent' seems to be a good description — it bubbles and froths through its course and then is gone. The first of the three acts drags, being studied and laboriously polite, hardly more than a commonplace conversation between members of a reassembled family who haven't any but the usual things to say. In the other two acts there is action—sometimes lots of it—and they are much better. Really, they are the show.

"Four adult players and two children, besides Miss Crosman, are in the piece. They all are splendid, especially the children, who contribute well-practiced and rather captivating efforts.

"Statuesque and striking is Miss Crosman. She reminds one, because of her stature, carriage, and wealth of gold hair, of Miss Lillian Russell, and also, like Miss Russell, she is by no means a novice on the stage. In 'The Real Thing' she has a part which gives full play to her artistry. This manifests itself chiefly in the distinction she gives to her role, for her manner is decidedly her own. Poise and grace mark her every movement and word. Everything she does is smooth polished. Her voice is of unusual quality, and remarkably well 'handled,' although there is little occasion for her to show just how much she can do with it. Miss Crosman was called before the curtain a half-dozen times to receive the plaudits of her audience.

"Fred Tiden and Albert Brown are true farce actors. They are really funny. Miss Josephine Lovett one finds to be a thoroughly capable actress, and in a good part an important factor of the presentation. Miss Florence Short is pretty and vivacious. Audrey Ridgewell and Mac Macomber, the children, charm their audiences."
[[dividing line]]
[[bold]] Forbes Robertson. [[/bold]]
An advance notice says:
"The Passing of the Third Floor Back," which Forbes Robertson brings to the Grand Friday night, is said to be one of the most daring plays seen in years upon the New York, Chicago or London stage. It is daring because it tries to represent the enormous power for good which reverence for others may exert even on the basest and meanest of mankind. There is, unfortunately, nothing daring or unusual in representing immorality or frivolity on the stage and in portraying their fascination. The daring thing is to attempt a representation of Christ-likeness and to show the kind of influence which the Christ-like spirit will exert.



[[image: black and white photograph of Forbes Robertson golfing]]

AT GOLF [[/bold]]

The public will attend for a time such definitely moral and religious plays as "Everyman." But these plays are far removed from ordinary practical life. The play, however, to which we now refer, "The Passing of the Third Floor Back," is entirely modern in its characters and situations.

The first act introduces us to a boarding house, with all the vulgarity, meanness and self-seeking prevalent in such places. It is not, of course, a fair description of all lodging houses, but it is true enough of a certain type. The landlady is a worn and bitter woman, who has learned to cringe and cheat in self-defense. She is a lonely woman, fighting for a livelihood against the hard and selfish world. There is no room for love or kindness. The lodgers are worse than the landlady. Backbiting, scandal, greed and graft—every one for himself and every one against all the rest is the prevailing spirit of the place. All are selfish, mean and sordid. All the wit is unkind, all the amusement at the expense of some one else.
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[[column 4]]
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The parade formed at 9.30[[?]] Tremont and Postoffice stree- course of a short time the lin- was taken up, led by Grand W. Collerain and Assistant Ma- Whelton and Thomas W. Mon- two bands playing, the band Italiano Giuseppe Verdi a- Military Band, the parade wou- through the downtown streets episcopal residence, where th- hundreds were reviewed by -lagher. Continuing the mar- -ricks Church, corner of street and Avenue K, the -ties passed St. Josephs C- of Twenty-second street a- concluding the line of ma- -ricks Church, where mas- 10:30 o'clock.

[[bold]]Societies Particip-[[/bold]]
The societies participat- 
rade were: Austrian-Slav-
Knights of Columbus, Ca-
of America, St. Vincent d-
St. Patrick's Cadets, Holy
of the Sacred Heart a-
parishes, Emmet's Bene-
tion and Ancient Order
Rev. J. S. Murphy acted
St. Patrick's Cadets.

[[bold]]Priests Partici-[[/bold]]
Participating in the pa-
high mass at St. Patric-
the following members 
Rt. Rev. Bishop Gallag-
Father Kirwin, Rev. [[?]]
Very Rev. Father Otis[[?]],
Paris, Kelds, Zilla, Rap-
nartz, Gaffney, Waga-
Foulkes and De Beurme.

The body of St. Patric-
filled, and chairs were
aisles. A special musica-
ranged in honor of the
the features of the cele-
Rev. Bishop Gallagher
the sanctuary during
mass. Rev. Father T. [[?]]
the Church of the Bles-
Cleveland, Ohio, wa-
Fathers Paris and Fie-
Father A. E. Otis wa-
Rev. Fathers Lennartz
deacons of honor. Re-
pastor of St. Patricks
ter of ceremonies. Th-
livered by Rev. Fathe-

[[bold]]Father Foulk-[[/bold]]
"We are living in 
ism and commercia- 
said Father Foulkes
course. "the age of 
worth. The money 
the destinies of
the lives of indivi- 
calf of the twen- 
see crouching b- 
adoration, a vast- 
dels. The moder-
for money and
at the idea of a 
ridicules any be-
an almighty, alls-
present deity. G-
only deity and p-

"The saints,
in such a grovelin-
are out of touch w-
not assimilate the
saints were dream- 
and execute. Sain-
brought up in a
phere, they spee-
limits of our small
the sparkling cons-
ly plow through
of space. They see
inaudible, think t-
the impossible.

"To such a race-
belongs a man
heralded with de-
eration, in love,
habitable globe
Foulkes sketche-
rick's work for

[[bold]] The Nu- [[/bold]]
"Ireland is
continued Fa-
nursery of g-
men have sp-
the regulari-
has fought
our fathers
other natio-
struggle for
Europe has
the Irish ra-
day as when
true faith.
"From ev-
molder, awa-
martyr's bo-
a voice call
heroism, th-
ber the he-
nuns, the 
the brea-
the suffe-
and fam-

of freed-
in a fo-
all this
us by
dom is
us ne-

its ju-
li- [[/column 4]]

Transcription Notes:
corrected "...enought..." to "...enough..." corrected "...est end..." to "...east end..." corrected "...engin..." to "...engine..." corrected "...macine..." to "...machine..."