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NO. 54.
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With Ideal Weather, Mammoth Crowds, Elaborate Parade and [[underlined]]Spectacular Flights by Paul Studensky in Curtis Biplane [[/underlined]] Gastonia's Celebration Yesterday Was a Pronounced Success — Crowd Variously Estimated at from 20,000 to 30,000 People—Congressman E. Y. Webb Speaks—Sham Battle and Baseball Game in the Afternoon—Some of the Details.

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The fact that yesterday's Fourth of July celebration was the greatest ever held here goes without fear of contradiction. It was great in every way, great in attractions, great in amusements, great in point of every [[ex??]]cellence. The parade was great, the crowd was great—and the weather [[too??]][[covered by piece of paper]] was great. The last named factor probably had more to do with making the celebration a genuine success than any other one thing. Even as late as the eve of the Fourth threatening clouds had hung low and ominous, gloomy forebodings of what might happen to set at naught all the skilfully worked out plans and preparations of the various committees. Jupiter Pluvius was most propitious, however, and the morning dawned fair and clear, with slight clouds hovering ever and anon in the sky, serving however, the most pleasing purpose of acting as a welcome screen from the scorching rays of old Sol. Not until late last night, when the joyous band of revellers had well nigh dispersed did the weather works break loose and let down [[a?]] sprinkle of rain. 

The town was early astir, making all final preparations for the crowds that were coming. As early as seven o'clock the streets were crowded with pleasure seekers. By automobile and Interurban from Charlotte they came, by buggies, wagons and vehicles of every sort from the surrounding country, on foot and by horseback,[[end column, but lower edge of page may have cut off article text]]
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much or more than the cost entailed for the sole purpose of seeing the air flights. To the ordinary observer the machine seemed nothing more than a net work of wire, canvas and bamboo, some where in the midst of which was located a most powerful 75-horsepower gasoline engine. After a considerable delay in repairing a defect in one of the cylinders, the motor was started and he took his place and was strapped into position. Just behind was the curious shaped odd looking Japanese doll which Studensy [[original typo]] carries with him on all his flights. The whirr of the motor could be heard for hundreds of yards. As all final preparations were being made the machine was held by the restraining hands of four five attendants. As it was released it shot out across the field at a terrific rate of speed for a hundred yards or more, running upon the three wheels of its support, until at the proper moment by the movement of the steering apparatus it rose gracefully into the air, followed by the hoarse shouts of the cheering thousands of spectators. After making several long and graceful spirals over the aviation field, Studensky attained ^[[slash]] his elevation and was off like a huge eagle for his flight over town. To the thousands of people on the streets and the spectators at the Loray ball park, he was in plain view. After circling over and around the southern and western section of town he made his way back to Lineberger field. By means of several low, swooping, graceful spirals he neared the ground until he was within a few feet of the surface when he cut off the motor and the airship, hovering just an instant in midair in most graceful poise alighted as gracefully and smoothly as a huge bird. Studensky climbed from the machine, surrounded by a mob of cheering, congratulating thousands. To many of the spectators this was the first sight of an aeroplane and the effect produced by the sight of the birdman wheeling, dipping and spirally cavorting throughout the reaches of the upper air was well nigh magical. To young Studensky must go all the credit. Under conditions, as expressed by him, that were not the most favorable, he made the airship [[??sights??flights]] the most attractive
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[[end Studensky portion of article]]

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a list and descriptions of the various floats in this issue but this will be given in next Tuesday's Gazette. The parade was conceded, even by out-of-town folks, to have been the most splendid thing of its kind ever seen in this section of the country.


At 1:30 o'clock as many of the towns people and visitors as could be comfortably seated in the circuit court room gathered to hear the orator of the day, Hon. E. Y. Webb, representative in Congress of this, the ninth district. Needing no formal introduction to his audience Mr. Webb was presented to the assemblage by State Senator O. F. Mason and delivered a most interesting and appropriate address. The occasion being a celebration of the one hundred and thirty-sixth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the speaker dwelt for some time upon the greatness of Thomas Jefferson, the author of that immortal document. He referred interestingly to a beautifully carved walking stick which he held in his hand, which he had purchased sixteen years ago while a law student at the University of Virginia from an old Confederate veteran. On the stick were carved designs representing various fraternal orders of which Jefferson was the founder on this continent, a horse-shoe to represent his remarkable escape from the British, Jefferson's last words and other appropriate designs. This led to an eloquent comparison of the condi-[[missing text]] which existed in Jefferson's day and those which prevail today. Mr. Webb spoke only about thirty minutes, evidently desiring to give his hearers opportunity to take in the other attractions booked for the afternoon. His speech throughout was [[a??]] gem of oratory and he held the close attention and interest of his audience.


The big sham battle at 2:30 was one of the drawing features of the day. Camp Holland at the intersection of York and Chester streets was [[se?]]lected as the battlefield where the [[m?]]ilitant hosts of Comaany[[typo in original]] B, First N. C. Infantry, of Gastonia and cavalry troop A, of Lincolnton, lined up in battle array against the allied forces of Company A, First N. C. Infantry, of Hickory, and the Fifth Company, Coast Artillery from Charlotte.

It was a great fight. For more than an hour thousands of spectators sat and stood and sweltered in the scorching rays from the hottest of mid-day suns, awaiting the opening
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the music from the moving picture shows, interspersed now and again with an occasional blithesome bar from "Steamboat Bill" or "Casey Jones" from the raucous organ of a merry-go-round at the corner of Marietta and Main avenue, punctuated now and then by the shrill staccato of the toy balloon in the mouth of the irrepressible small boy, all added to the brilliancy and festiveness of the scene, caused the pulse to beat faster and the blood to course swifter in joyous anticipation of the morrow.
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'Twas something fierce, the crowd that was here yesterday. The Southern, C. & N.-W and P. & N. trains were all crowded to the very steps when they came in. No. 39 had attached to it three or four extra coaches and still the crowds were not accommodated. It is said that at every station, north, south, east and west of Gastonia great throngs were left at the various stations unable to board the train. This was true not only of the Southern and C. & N. W. but also of the P. & N. The railroads were evidently taken unawares, else they did not realize the amount of travel to be handled.

Those that were lucky enough to get seats and to arrive safely in town were a jubilant, care-free lot—happy, healthy and full of the holiday spirit. When No. 39 ran several overly enthusiastic celebrants were seen to precipitate themselves bodily through the open windows of the coaches, preferring that mode of exit rather than wait for the slowly moving mass of humanity to wedge through the aisles and doors.

The crowd has been variously estimated. Every man you meet has a different estimate to place upon the number of people who were here. One man, in response to a question by the newspaper man as to his idea of the number of people present said:

"Well, I would estimate the crowd at from 15,000 to 20,000."

One overly zealous Gastonian, standing within earshot of the man, hearing this estimate, turned upon with the remark:

"Why, what's eating on you, man? We have 10,000 people in Gastonia. They were all out on the streets and I know there must have been 25,000 or 30,000 people here yesterday if there was a soul."

"Oh, tommy-rot!" exclaimed the first man.

And so it went. Each man had his own standard of measurement and no two can exactly agree.

One of the most amusing incidents
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Invitations reading as follows have been received here.

Mrs. Annie E. Hunter requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter Quida Alliene to Mr. Finley W. Brawley Wednesday morning July seventeenth nineteen hundred twelve at nine o'clock First Baptist Church Sumter, S. C.

At Home after August first, Herrington street Newberry, S. C.

  Mr. Brawley formerly lived in Gastonia, having been engaged in business here for a number of years, and has a large number of friends to whom this announcement will be of especial interest.

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The following is copied from last Friday's Statesville Landmark:

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Tomlin entertained at their beautiful country home near Olin, Tuesday evening June 25th, from 8:30 to 11:30 in honor of the following visiting ladies: Miss Hattie Lowery, of Wilmington, Mrs. O. W. Davis, Misses Maude Fayssoux, Lillian Elliott and Della Nolen of Gastonia.

The house party was joined at this time by Messrs. W. H. Goodman and F. H. Kennedy. The guests for the evening were Misses Addie and Lois Steele and Zelda Parks, Messrs. Fleete and Roy Steele, James Parks, Dewitt Ramsey and Will Walker.

Special music was furnished by Misses Steele and Nolen and Mr. Kennedy. Delightful refreshments were served of fruits, cream and cake.

The Tomlin home, tastefully decorated with daisies, ferns and roses and lighted with electricity, was indeed an attractive place.

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Experts on Hookworm Disease Working Under Rockefeller Commission to Conduct Free Hookworm Dispensaries for Six Weeks—List of Appointments.
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Personal Items About Gaston Folks and their Friends — Short Items About People and Things That Are of Interest to Gazette Readers, Condensed for Their Convenience.

  —Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Eury and son, C. A., Jr., of Raleigh, spent the Fourth here.
  —Mr. J. C. Glenn, of Charlotte, spent yesterday here with his sister, Mrs. J. P. Glenn.
  —Mr. Ed Fayssoux and family, of Charlotte, were the guests yesterday of Mrs. Lydia C. Davis.
  —Mr. L. L. Ware, of Rock Hill, S. C., was a celebration visitor, being a guest of his brother, Mr. J. White Ware.
  —Mr. G. M. Dixon, who lives southeast of Gastonia, is quite sick. He has been in ill health for some time.
  —Miss Roberta McElhannon, of Washington, D. C., will arrive tonight to spend some time with her grandmother, Mrs. J. P. Glenn.
  —Misses Lois and Helen Durham and Master James Durham, of Dallas, spent yesterday here with Mrs. J. D. Moore.
  —Mr. E. H. Powell and Misses Agnes Powell and Estelle Hall, of Lenoir, were among yesterday's visitors in Gastonia.
  —Mr. E. S. Millsaps, of Iredell county, was a Gastonia visitor yesterday. Mr. Millsaps is district manager of farm demonstration work.
  —Mr. J. Frank Ashe, of McConnellsville, S. C., and Mrs. G. V. Patterson, of Kings Mountain, were guests yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. J. White Ware.
  —Mrs. W. H. Reddish, of Wadesboro, arrived Thursday to spend a few days here with Mrs. L. F. Wetzell and other friends. She will return home tomorrow.
  —Among the celebration visitors here yesterday were Mr. W. F. Marshall and son, Master Roger Marshall, of Raleigh. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Robinson.
  [[—]]Editor B. H. [[text obscured]]
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Transcription Notes:
corrected "...every and anon..." to "...ever and anon..." corrected "o'oclock" to "o'clock" Added missing text from "...Japanese Doll..." to end of article. Below-the-fold text of article is in next image. Added transcription of remaining columns.