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NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE, Sunday, November 13, 1960

[[image - Paul Studenski]]

Herald Tribute photo by Ted Kell

VETERAN PILOT-Prof. Paul Studenski at his Brentwood, L. I., home with drawing of Beach National biplane which he flew in 1912.

Honor Professor for 1910 Flight

By John G. Rogers

MINEOLA, L. I., Nov. 12. - There are two Paul Studenskis, both in the same man. One is Paul Studenski, a seventy-three-year-old New Yorker, economics professor, fiscal expert, consultant to such governments heads as the late President Roosevelt and former Gov. Thomas E. Dewey.

Tonight at a restaurant on the site of old Roosevelt Field, famous for Lindbergh's take-off and many other American aviation exploit, a group of airmen gathered to honor the other Paul Studenski, a dashing aviator, on the fiftieth anniversary of his first solo flight.

It is not generally known that long before he took up high finance in the United States, Dr. Studenski took up high flying in France. He earned his pilot's license there in 1910, back in the days when planes were crates and the men who flew them were at the short end of the odds.

"It was a great exhilaration-that first flight," Dr. Studenski recalled today. "I felt like that master of all the world up there for twenty minutes."

As it turned out, though, his career in the air was a rather brief four years-one in France

Continued on page 4, column 1