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inland across the state to Portland. Pine covered hills and valleys of nut and fruit orchards. Portland was a bus depot and a fruit stand, 

And so, to Olympia and Tacoma and out of Tacoma.

It is dark. The road is long and straight, it becomes a yellow line flanked by glowing neon signs. Smoke. Drink. Use, Wear, Save. Believe, Beware, Try, Smokedrinkusewearsave believetry Blue Red red yellow neon and off & on & headlights briefly blinding you.

First the billboards grip your heart, then the little suburban homes then the bridges and the streetlights then the shops and factories then the bright, shining
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confusion of the heart of the city. The tall, soulless skyscrapers! the people! it is the city, and you are part of Seattle. 

Today I spend in Seattle: dark, gray, old. I visit the slums and see Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos and Negroes, Indians, Jews. A guy in the hotel lobby says: those Indians are the lowest, filthiest people on earth- just like the Jews. I want to say: it is poverty, it is economic inequality, it is the capitalistic system that breeds [[underlined]]filth.[[/underlined]]

I had a glimpse of the waterfront last night, so today I walked down there & found myself on the pier of the Northland SS Co. A boat was leaving for Ketchikan, and the old dreams in me found light and mingled