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with gulls in the sound and the white mists shrouding the islands and the waterways along to the North.


Out of Seattle
The green woods
The red patches of early fall in mountain slopes
the high cliffs and bluffs.
the brush desert, endless
the golden wheat fields in the sunset.
the great yellow fields, the great sky and time racing with the long road.
the yellow land; like Lanai? like Waimea? like Kaiu? One remembers the childhood on a yellow beach, the other years when the vast world was suddenly, amazingly, painfully revealed to him in the smallest field of grass, the 
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faintest suggestion of vastness from a hilltop.
And now, to have this, the Columbia River basin, arid and noble, sweeping from a bus window to a red cloud in the sunset.
Neppel, Ritzville - lonely towns of the North; a boy walks along the road; and he is like a building innured to the scene.

9/25- Yesterday at Spokane. Very busy Hotel Coeur d'Alene.

Missoula, The Rockies - massive, high, but not so rugged as I had expected them to be - the winding, climbing road, the roadside stands, the cold air.  Then the plateau, rivers and wheat & sheep, the long range of sparkling yellow hills. Gold country, silver, copper country.