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One looks down from the sky and sees the town (church, Woolworth's, Shell) moving with the wheat fields, fast the sun, across a field of stars,

Wisconsin: rich, fertile, green, wet. The curve of the horizon; the red barns ever in the distance: pictures of Canada: of the great, round, lovely planet.

9/2 ? Saturday
At Eau Clair, Wisconsin

Spent the night in Minneapolis, Hotel Majestic. A great city, a soot-ridden city, a proud, austere city.

29th 2 nights in Chicago. The L outside the hotel room dark & frightening at night; the Art Institute! great 

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number of Renoirs, Cezannes, Van G's, Gaugins, Manets, Pissaros, some Americans Kent's Mt. Equinox) the Int. WC. show. Miles Sculpture, Homer's marines, etc. Went thru the bldg. in too much of a hurry. Must return some day. Felt depressed by the struggle in art. So many paintings! So many artists, so many students, styles, messages intentions, failures, successes! To be alone, to create alone, to be alone to receive and to release energies of the suns! I thought of returning to Hana; of giving up New York.
Today I am in Cleveland I like it here, it is clean and friendly.]