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Tues. 10/14

Worked on stone at school. Sternberg: Grosz  ^( now ) Benton, Kroll, etc stink. American capacity for worshipping fakers. Said my comps. of coastline could be better. More area variation of shapes & pattern, less of the shimmering use of color. And I try to defend my art: movement is my prime goal. Will I ever be convinced? Conflicts in me! (He liked Land #2 best of all)

To Whitney with Harlan & Morton & Dan. some good things - don't remember - to ACA-Evergood (woozy), Katherine Olds (boats, water). Groffer 

Greenwich Village - Art displays on sidewalks

To Dorothy's - DK's Naupaka & Prelude & Hula. Kleinsinger - debate - "serious" vs the Blitzstein school.

Stuart Davis: to draw from new sources of art is a 

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progressive social quality in itself (see New Sch. catalog) Sternberg said New School weak: sort of [[strikethrough]]ne[[/strikethrough]] non-committal attitude toward real problems. Kuniyoshi bores - beautiful texture.

I want to paint big pictures again but there is too much of a conflict within me as to subject matter. Harlan assures, as Olds does, that subj. m. isn't the thing re social consciousness.

[[image: pencil drawing of 2 boxes with sketches of landscapes]]

White morning - is it greater because shapes are plain?