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Islands. 48 specimens, 19 species from Kaui (Gift.)

From [[double underline]]R. Ridgway[[/double underline]], U.S. National Museum-45 specimens, 37 species, chiefly from Laurel, Md. (Gift.)

From [[double underline]]C. J. Maynard[[/double underline]], Newtonville, Mass.-five specimens of [[underline]]Sula coryi[[/underline]], from Little Cayman, W. I. (Purchased.)

From [[double underline]]Dr. E. Rey[[/double underline]], Leipzig, Germany.-4 specimens, 3 species from Syria and Canary Islands. (Purchased.)

From [[double underline]]Colonial Museum, Demerara[[/double underline]], 

Transcription Notes:
"Kaui" presumably refers to Kauai. "W. I." presumably refers to West Indies.