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upon the ornithology of the Argentine Republic referred to in the present Work" (p. 221) and "II. List of some of the principal Localities where Collections have been made, mentioned in this Work" p. 231).

George B. Sennett - A. New form of clapper rail.

[[underlined]] The Auk [[/underlined]], vol. v, July, 1888, pp. 305-306.

[[underlined]] Rallus longirostris scottis, [[/underlined]] Scot's Rail, p. 305; habitat, west coast of Florida.

George B. Sennett. - An addition to the List of North American Birds.

[[underlined]] The Auk, [[/underlined]] vol. v, July 1888, p. 319.

[[underlined]] Rallus longirostris caribeanus [[/underlined]] Ridgw.; Galveston and Corpus Cristi, Texas.