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R. W. Shufeldt. – Notes on Brewster's and the Blue-footed Gannett.

[[underlined]]The Auk[[/underlined]], vol. vi, Jan. 1889, p. 67.

Leonhard Stejnegen. – Palmen's contributions to the Knowledge of the Bird Fauna of the Siberian coasts of the Arctic sea.

[[underlined]]The Auk[[/underlined]], July 1888, pp. 306 – 311.

A review of Palmen's "Bidrag till kannedomen om Sibiriska Ishafskustens fogelfauna."

Leonhard Stejnegen. – Review of Japanese Birds, VIII. – The Creepers.

Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, Sept. 19, 1888, pp. 606 – 611.

Published Sept. 19, 1888.