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Two forms recognized: (1) [[underlined]] Parus cristatus [[/underlined]] Linn. and [[underlined]] Parus cristatus mitratus [[/underlined]] Brehm.

Leonhard Stejneger.--Cucullaris propatagialis in Oscinnine Birds.
[[underlined]] Science [[/underlined]] xiii, 1889 p. 16.

Leonhard Stejneger.--The proper name for the genus Melanipitta [sic!] of Schlegel.
[[underlined]] The Auk, [[/underlined]] vi, Jan. 1889, p. 79.
Showing that the name Mellopitta had been proposed by himself in "Standard Natural History, IV, Birds, 1885, p. 466, thus antedating Dr. P. L. Sclater's substitute [[underlined]] Coracopitta [[/underlined]] (Cat. 15 Brit. Mus. xiv, p. 499).

Leonhard Stejneger.--Count August