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^[[ [[encircled]] 8 [[/encircled]] ]]
[[vertical left]] CONSIGNEE'S RECEIPT [[/vertical left]]

Form 694 8-17

^[[ [[stamped]] 2229357-501 Hayward, Cal. [[/stamped ]] Office, State of ^[[ [[stamped]] AUG 12 1918 [[/stamped]] ]] 191
M ^[[Dr. Alex Wetmore]]
TO Wells Fargo Co Express Dr.

Account Shipment of ^[[Bx auxiliary shells]] Advanced Charges
From ^[[Wash]] State of ^[[D C.]] } This Co's Charges 
W/B No. Date ^[[Over]] Weight ^[[11 lbs.]] } War Tax - - 
                                           } Amount of C.O.D.
Shipper ^[[Bureau Biological Survey]]  Total, $ ^[[1.50]]

Received Payment, ^[[A. E. Fischer]]
For Wells Fargo & Co Express

Transcription Notes:
This is a consignment form - mostly printed with some handwritten details inserted Edited: formatted for printed form