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Violation of the requirements of the permit were few in number and save in one case, that of four men shooting near Colusa Oct. 15, amounted to little. In the one major instance the four violators were apprehended and fined.

Very few ducks were killed by the rice growers although the crops were protected effectively.

These measures resulted in a saving of grain that was estimated conservatively as valued at not less than $125,000 while the number of ducks destroyed was only nominal. There was no waste as the few birds that were killed were picked up and utilized as food.

Damage by ducks was always local and there were extensive areas where the birds gave no trouble whatever. Where the ducks were working in rice however there was danger of loss of the entire crop and it was necessary to take steps immediately to drive them out.

Following is a copy of the permit that was issued. (After October 16 this was extended under the same restrictions to cover shooting by night.)

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