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Sending of Federal Game Warden to Willows Condemned


"It's An Outrage," Says C. L. Donohoe, Who Predicts Heavy Loss to Growers


"This is an outrage. Some of the rice growers can figure on losing one-half of their crop."

This is the way C. L. Donohoe, attorney and rice grower of Willows, describes the announcement of the State Fish and Game Commission that the Biological Survey of the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., is sending out a Federal Game Warden to Willows to arrest and prosecute any person who shoots and kills ducks before the opening of the season, October 16th.

Inspector Was Shown.

"I don't understand this," says Donohoe. "A Federal Inspector, A. Wetmore, has been in this district studying the situation. This man was in attendance at a recent meeting of rice growers here, at which time the growers explained the damage done by ducks.

"A lot of the rice damaged by ducks will not be worth harvesting. Any man can come and in five minutes see the damage done by ducks."

Notification Sent.

The State Fish and Game Commission announces that it has received a letter from the San Francisco office of the Commission, stating, in effect:

"We have to-day received a telegram from E. W. Nelson, chief of the biological survey, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., that a United States Game Warden is being sent to Willows to arrest and prosecute all violators of the Federal laws for the protection of ducks."

Deny Asked Warden.

At the local office of Fish and Game Commission denial was made that the commission had asked the Government to send the warden to Willows.

May Be Test Case.

State Senator Claude F. Purkitt of Willows to-day expressed the belief that a test case would develop if arrests were made by the Federal Warden.

The growers will lose their crops if they don't keep the ducks out of their fields.

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