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[[preprinted]] THE SACRAMENTO BEE
SACRAMENTO, CAL. [[/preprinted]]

September 2, 1918.

Mr. Alexander Wetmore,
Assistant Biologist,
Hotel Crawford,
Willows, California.

Dear Sir:

I have your note of August 30th in which you say: "The rather malicious manner in which your reporter misquoted a simple statement made to him yesterday makes me a trifle doubtful of such assistance".

Your note was in response to one of mine of date of August 15th offering you the assistance of The Bee in making your investigation of the rice-duck situation in this valley.

I wish you would be specific in your statement.

I enclose herewith clipping of the story published by The Bee. Will you be kind enough to mark the part of the story wherein you were misquoted?

Sincerely yours,

^[[J E Langdon]]
Managing Editor.