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[[underlined]] Cyanocitta oristata. [[/underlined]]
Fairly common at Arcola.  Common at Warrenton.

[[underlined]] Corvus b. Paulus. [[/underlined]]
Fairly common about Arcola.  Young in the nest were heard calling on several occasions.  An adult male that I collected belongs to this small southern form.  (Specimen).

[[underlined]] Passer domesticus hostilis. [[/underlined]]
The English sparrow was common all through the country about Arcola, and a few pairs were found about every farm house.  The birds were frequently flushed along the country roads while others were found in the fields.

[[underlined]] Astragalinus tristis tristis. [[/underlined]]
Common near Arcola.  Birds were seen at Warrenton on June 5 and 9.

[[underlined]] Pooecetes g. gramineus. [[/underlined]]
Two were seen between Hill and Warrenton on June 9.  The birds flew up from the road but alighted only a few feet away.  Identification was positive though it was not practicable to collect the birds at this time.

[[underlined]] Spizella passerine passerine. [[/underlined]]
Abundant about Mr. J. F. Hunter's farm one mile south of Arcola. There were at least 20 pairs here and perhaps more on as many acres of ground. Apparently, they lay a small number of eggs in each set.